Highers and National 5 courses
Pick up Highers and Nat5s that you might have missed at school, that you need to apply for another course or even to improve your skills at work

English Higher
One of the most commonly-required qualifiations for entry to Higher Education and Degree courses. You will develop and extend a range of reading skills through studying, analysing and responding to a wide variety of informational, literary and media texts which contain complex ideas.
- Where? All centres
- Full or Part-time? Part- time/Evening/Flexible
- Want to find out more? Visit the course page

English National 5
An ideal starting point for those who have not achieved an English qualification at school, and who wish to prepare for further study. Investigate a range of fiction, including a specified Scottish writer, and non-fiction texts in order to understand and appreciate the techniques writers use to create meaning and impact in their writing.
- Where? All centres
- Full or Part-time? Part-time/Evening/Flexible
- Want to find out more? Visit the course page

Application of Mathematics National 5
Explore real-world applications of mathematical techniques and skills in everyday situations, including financial matters, statistics and measurement. These skills can be incredibly useful in a number of other subject areas such as technology, health and wellbeing, science, and social studies.
- Where? All centres
- Full or Part-time? Part-time evening
- Want to find out more? Visit the course page