
RYA VHF Radio (Short Range Certificate)
The RYA Marine Radio Short Range Certificate (SRC) is the minimum qualification required to operate marine VHF radio equipment on a UK flagged vessel.
- includes both fixed and handheld equipment
- with and without Digital Selective Calling (DS)
The certificate is obtained by successfully completing an SRC exam. You can take the exam at our Oban Centre or you can book the exam direct with RYA.
*Please note there are two versions of this course – a fully on-line version that you can do at your own pace, or a Face-to-Face version.
Cost: On-line- £130 including taking the SRC exam in Oban, or £70 without the exam. Face-to-Face - £215 with the SRC exam in Oban, or £155 without the exam
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RYA Essential Navigation
Our online course offers a great introduction to navigation and safety awareness for new or inexperienced skippers and crew, and those wanting to refresh their skills.
- suitable for anyone interested in sailing, motor boating, sea angling or diving
- works well in complementing our on-the-water training, such as the Powerboat Level 2, Start Yachting and Helmsman courses
RYA Essential Navigation | Duration: complete at your own pace | Cost: £ 150:00
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RYA Day Skipper: Theory Shorebased Course
The syllabus prepares you for skippering and navigation around familiar waters by day. Included is a basic knowledge of lights - in case you arrive back late.
The course covers
- basic nautical knowledge
- basic navigation: position and direction
- charts and publications: simple plotting
- deck seamanship
- tides and tidal streams
- rigs and rigging (DSS)
- marine engines and installations (DSM)
- buoys, beacons, bights and pilotage
- understanding the weather
- passage planning
- sea safety and cruising practices
Duration: 40 hours | Cost: £380.00
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RYA Yacht Master/Coastal Theory
This is a prerequisite to both the Coastal Skipper and Yacht Master practical courses and builds upon Day Skipper knowledge and experience.
This theory course will take you to the knowledge level of Yacht Master™ Coastal and Yacht Master required for the practical exams.
It covers:
- advanced navigation including position fixing, course plotting, tidal theory, electronic navigation and position finding as well as the use of relevant marine publications
- meteorology, including barometric pressure, weather systems, understanding and interpreting forecasts, prediction and observation
- collision regulations
- Northern and Southern Hemispheres
- regulations in other countries
RYA Yacht master/Coastal Theory | Duration: 7 days | Cost: £420:00
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