Apprenticeship Week

Liam Paterson (20) is currently in his second year as a Carpentry and Joinery apprentice at Argyll College UHI’s Construction, Engineering and Renewables Centre in Lochgilphead.

Liam left school three years ago with no particular plans, and had a variety of jobs ranging from supermarket worker to crewing on a commercial fishing boat before being offered an apprenticeship with local firm Duncan Hunter.

He has never looked back.

“My message to any young person out there who’s not sure whether or not an apprenticeship is for them is that it’s the best thing I’ve ever done,” Liam said.

“It’s very rewarding - I feel I’m getting a lot out of it.  My skills are improving all the time, and I’ve got the support of both my employer and my college tutors in making sure I do as well as I can over the four years.

“It’s great being out on site working for a few months, then coming back to college for another block of training and assessment.  I’m with a good group of lads and we all enjoy meeting up when we come back for the college elements.

“I feel as if I’ve been given a chance to make something of myself, and it’s a chance I’m not going to mess up.”