Argyll College UHI student's COVID-19 tracking website gains national interest

Student creates the most popular COVID-19 tracking website

In April we ran a news story about one of our Business Management students, John Frace, who had developed a useful, and popular, COVID-19 tracking website.

Since then John’s website Travelling Tabby has become one of the most popular Scottish COVID-19 tracking websites. If you search for “COVID-19 Scotland tracker,” John’s website is number one! That is no small feat.

It’s not just us who were impressed. Recently, The Herald ran a story about John and his website in which he talks about the rise of his website, as well as balancing his college work with maintaining a site which he now sees as a “public service.” 

Even the scientists are lining up to thank John for his hard work. Dr Linda Bould, Professor of Public Health retweeted The Herald’s article and added her own personal thanks and Dr Devi Sridhar, Professor and Chair of Global Public Health at the University of Edinburgh, was so impressed that she sent John a personal message.

Screenshot of Linda Bould's tweet about student John Frace's website

John has even been asked by schools and Universities to give talks to their students - hopefully, he'll give us preferential treatment.

We wanted to say a big congratulations and a big thank you to John. His website has provided extremely useful information to many people at a time when clear information is paramount. Be sure to check out his website and the newspaper article. If you find his website useful then consider buying him a “coffee” here.