Argyll College UHI advises HMIe on Best Practice in Blended Delivery

The expertise of Argyll College UHI has been sought by HMIe to support their inspectors to evaluate the blended approach to learning and teaching now being practiced by most of the college sector, and many high schools.

Award winning Curriculum Lead, Susannah Wilson summarised examples of best practise in a presentation given to HMIe college and school inspectors on Thursday 8th October. Susannah collected a CDN Highly commended award in November 2019 for Digital Learning recognising her research into the benefits and practice of video feedback in FE.

Depute Principal, Elaine Munro said, ‘’It is gratifying to have HMIe acknowledge the particular skills and expertise which our teaching staff possess in respect of blended delivery methods. We should be proud of our reputation for quality delivery of remote learning and teaching which has ensured our student experience remains as close to normality as possible during these challenging circumstances.’’

HMIe were keen to understand what is going well for our staff in their flexible delivery, and what’s most challenging, and want to understand what practices we have developed for longer experience of distance delivery that would be good for others to know about.