Argyll College Overall Schools Link Student of the Year 2020: Amy Owen

Inveraray teenager Amy Owen has been named the Argyll College 2020 Schools Link Student of the Year, beating off stiff competition from local winners from all over Argyll.

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Overall winner Amy with her certificate.

Amy recently completed the Skills for Work Health Sector programme, delivered for Lochgilphead Joint Campus senior students by Argyll College UHI.

Amy was nominated by tutor Linda Brown who said, ‘’As part of the course, I formed a working relationship with the MS Centre (Lochgilphead) to enrich learning and bring what was delivered in the classroom to life in the real world of work. Amy embraced every opportunity and worked exceptionally well with the members of the Brain Fog Group on a Monday. She supported them with activities including Christmas party and charity events such as the Fire Walk where Amy helped with making posters and T shirts to promote the event.’’

According to Claire Cameron (Outreach Worker, MS Centre Lochgilphead), ‘’Amy did amazingly well and made a huge impression on everyone  She became a trainer for Digesting Science and showed a lot of care and skill when delivering the training to other volunteers at the MS Centre.’’ 

Amy said, ‘I was very shocked to receive the award but also very pleased, it’s been a great year and I had an amazing tutor!’

Asked to sum up Amy in three words, course tutor Linda says, ‘’Caring, Confident, and Determined!’’